

Cloud9 + node.js

OK! I'll give it a try.

Chime over Cloud9
I referred to this page.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Log into your AWS account with an IAM role that has the AdministratorAccess policy. -> OK!
  2. Use the us-east-1 (N. Virginia) region of your AWS account. You can use any AWS region that is supported by AWS Cloud9. -> I use Tokyo (ap-northeast-1) Region, by the way.
  3. Go to the AWS Cloud9 Dashboard. -> OK!
  4. Press Create environment. > OK!
  5. Enter “chime-meeting-sdk” for the Name and press Next step. -> OK! I named 'envTest02'.
  6. Leave the default Environment settings and press Next step. -> OK!
  7. On the Review page, press Create environment. -> OK! wait a minite...
  8. Wait for the environment to start. -> Ok!
  9. In the bash terminal, enter the following commands (substituting unique names for and ):
git clone https://github.com/aws/amazon-chime-sdk-js
cd amazon-chime-sdk-js/demos/serverless/
node ./deploy.js -r ap-northeast-1 -b <my-bucket> -s <my-stack-name> -a meeting

Problem occurs here...

Error: Cannot find module 'fs-extra'

Cannot find module 'fs-extra' · Issue #374 · hyperledger/caliper · GitHub
I try

$ npm list

Then displayed like that. -> UNMET DEPENDENCY

So, Ideal with...

npm install fs-extra@9.0.0

I tried again. -> OK!

I came to understand chime-sdk by using cloud9

I can confirm S3 and cloudformation. So far ,so good.

It seems better to learn this video adain.
(especially "URL")