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Building a Virtual Classroom Application

Next I'll build Virtual Classroom application. aws.amazon.comThis post demonstrates how to build a virtual classroom application using the real-time communication capabilities of the Amazon Chime SDK. Whether you are looking for a starter …

Cloud9 + node.js

OK! I'll give it a try. Chime over Cloud9 I referred to this page. aws.amazon.comThe procedure is as follows. Log into your AWS account with an IAM role that has the AdministratorAccess policy. -> OK! Use the us-east-1 (N. Virginia) region…


5/1(Fri.) 夜 Chimeを調べた。 serverless.hateblo.jp5/2(Sat.) 早朝 Cloud9でpython/dJangoを作ってみた! serverless.hateblo.jp5/2(Sat.) 昼 Cloud9でnodejsとsdkやってみた! serverless.hateblo.jp5/3(Sun.) 朝 Electronを始めてみた! serverless.hate…